
I. The information displayed on this website is provided by the website owner, and the authenticity, accuracy and legality of the content are the responsibility of the website owner.

If the certificate displayed on this website is expired or invalid, visitors are welcome to remind you to replace it with a valid certificate. (Contact information can be found on this website)

Third, if the information displayed on this website infringes your copyright and other legitimate rights and interests, or shows any content in violation of relevant national laws, please contact (Company name: Kunshan Lwadwon Textile Co., LTD  Telephone:18963679868  Mailbox:David@lingwei-tex.com), we will review and deal with within 24 hours.

Limit word, absolute word and functional word failure declaration

The new advertising law prohibits absolutist and functional terms from appearing on all pages. Our company supports the new advertising law, in order not to affect the normal purchase of consumers, our company has checked and modified the obvious area of the page, and hereby solemnly declare: the absolute terms and functional terms on all our pages are invalid before this statement, not as a reason for compensation.

For areas that are not obvious and areas that are not inspected, it will be gradually modified and improved. However, manual investigation does not guarantee 100% complete investigation, our company does not accept and does not compromise in any form of limit word compensation requirements and online fraud in the name of counterfeiting, please make way for real consumers, rights protection is a two-way street. Hope new and old customers understand and support and contact customer service to help improve.

★ Legal Statement: In accordance with the Advertising Law and the instructions of the industry and Commerce Department, it is especially reminded that the title of this product is solely for the needs of operation and technical drainage, not for the promotion of product efficacy, please do not take it out of context. In addition, in accordance with the authenticity requirements of Article 15 of the "Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests of the People's Republic of China" and the requirements of the "Advertising Law", "Management of disinfection product label instructions", "Regulations on the supervision and Administration of medical devices" and other laws and regulations.

★ Our commitment: The products sold are officially authorized, the actual formula (structure) of the product is consistent with the product packaging or instructions, the page title is only to cater to the buyer's search habits and the use of keywords, does not represent the actual efficacy and characteristics of the product itself, the page graphic video and other information is only to optimize the website page, the actual composition and efficacy of the product packaging box or instructions prevail, please be aware!